5 Foods You Must Avoid For Flat Belly
Everybody wants a flat and toned belly at least we did dream to have one at a certain period of time in our life, but it is very challenging for most of the people that they’ve given up on having one. Why is it so challenging? There are so many factors that prevent us from reaching our goals. Some of them are family history and genes, overweight and obesity tend to run in some families, Race or Ethnicity, Age, Sex, Eating habits, Physical Activities, Family habits, and culture, Where you Live, Work, Sleep. These are some of the factors that decide lifestyle. In this article, we will see about the eating habits you probably want to avoid to achieve your dream body.
Of course, without a proper workout or some energy-consuming physical activities, you won’t see a praise-worthy outcome. Having fat sitting in your body can make you grow some respiratory health issues. That’s why I'm here to tell you to avoid or limit some foods which will make your tummy small and healthy.
1. High Sodium Foods
By reducing sodium, you’ll likely start eating healthier. This is because most salt in our diet doesn’t come from table salt, it comes from processed and prepared foods which use high amounts of sodium as a preservative, they contain plenty of other unhealthy ingredients as well. Obesity and sodium are so closely linked to each other that cutting salt from your diet is the best way to reduce belly fat. The American Heart Association recommends allowing yourself no more than 1,500 mg daily because too much sodium intake leads your body to retain water which could jeopardize your weight loss efforts.
To avoid these, try to rinse vegetables and canned foods in water to reduce the sodium level. Avocados, sweet potatoes, potatoes, greens, tomatoes, and lower-sodium tomato sauce, white beans, kidney beans, nonfat yogurt, oranges, bananas, and cantaloupe have plenty of potassium which will help your body to counter the effects of sodium.
Fast food is also a thing you should avoid because it contains a high level of sodium. Deep-fried chicken and french fries taste good, but they will not make your body healthy. Fast food, for example, has very little nutrition, and instead, it contains high levels of sodium and trans-fat. If you must have fast food, choose more healthy options from the menu or try to limit your intake and limit yourself for once or twice a month.
2. Soft Drinks
It probably comes as no surprise to you that drinking soda has been linked to obesity. Not only that, Drinking high amounts of sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda can have various adverse impacts on your health. These range from increased chances of tooth decay to a higher risk of heart disease and metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes. 12 ounce can of soda contains an average of 40 grams of sugar where the AHA says 100 calories/24 grams of added sugar is the daily limit for most women and 150 calories/36 grams of added sugar is the daily limit for men.
A study shows 49% of us adults drinks at least one regular soda or other sweetened beverages per day which leads to health disorder and obesity over the year. It also shows that sweetened drinks make your body crave more sugar. As an alternative, you can take fresh fruits which is low in calories, healthy, and filling.
3. Chips And Processed Snacks
Most food needs some degree of processing, and not all processed foods are bad for the body. But heavily processed foods like fried chips out of a bag often include unhealthy levels of added sugar, sodium, and trans-fat. These ingredients make the food we eat taste better, but too much of them leads to serious health issues like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. A study shows that ultra-processed food or heavily processed foods intake has increased dramatically worldwide. These foods now account for 25% to 60 % of a person’s daily energy intake throughout much of the world.
When I say Processed Foods most of us have some confusion because most foods are processed in some way. Mechanical processing such as grinding beef, heating vegetables, or pasteurizing foods does not necessarily make foods unhealthful. If the processing does not add chemicals or ingredients, it does not tend to lessen the healthfulness of the food.
You should avoid highly processed food or simply told, Processed foods that tend to be high in sugar, artificial ingredients, refined carbohydrates, and trans fats. Keep in mind to check the nutrition table when you buy processed foods in your supermarket next time.
4. Margarine
Although margarine may contain some heart-friendly nutrients, it often contains trans fat, which has been associated with an increased risk of heart disease and other chronic health issues, eating too much trans fat can cause you to gain weight. It may also increase your risk for type 2 diabetes. The more solid the margarine, the more trans fat it contains. So stick margarine usually have more trans fat than tub margarine does. Trans fat, like saturated fat, increases blood cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.
Choose a small amount of regular butter or soft spread over margarine when topping foods or baking! As I said, Margarine is usually loaded with trans-fat and is found in plenty of pastries, crackers, snack foods, and even microwave popcorn, so limit intake to keep cholesterol levels in check.
5. Processed Meats
Everyone loves meat. After all, meat is an important food in a healthy diet that gives us a high amount of protein, which as we all know
- Reduces Appetite and Hunger Levels.
- Increases Muscle Mass and Strength.
- Good for Your Bones.
- Reduces Cravings and Desire for Late-Night Snacking.
- Boosts Metabolism and Increases Fat Burning.
- Lowers Your Blood Pressure.
- Helps Maintain Weight Loss.
Processed meats, on the other hand, can cause obesity and they also contain saturated fat which can raise “bad” LDL cholesterol in your blood, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. If you’re looking to get a flat stomach and lose weight, it is best to avoid consuming processed meats like fried meat, beef jerky, sausages, hot dogs, salami, cured bacon, and canned meats. A researcher published a statement that ‘‘ Processed meats often contain a high amount of salt, fat, and cholesterol, which can cause obesity and increase the rate of heart disease, too.” Instead, look for plant proteins or lean meats like grilled chicken and fish to fulfill your daily need for proteins.
Some may find it hard to resist and some may find it hard to change because of their work, place, or lifestyle. But try to take this challenge in your weight loss journey even, if you have a busy schedule there are ways to manage and lose weight. If you’re working out in the gym, Jogging in the morning, or if you’re doing any exercise or yoga to reduce body weight each and every day. You should definitely avoid these 5 things because if you’re not then all of your efforts are being wasted. I’m not saying that you have to stop these 5 things. Just try to limit yourself from these foods and be wary of how much you take and limit yourself from it more and more and stop taking it completely. If you want to change your body, then you have to change yourselves.
You can also add some morning weight loss drinks to help you boost your weight loss journey. I wish you a good journey.