6 Best Supplements For Weight Loss
Are supplements really necessary for weight loss? The answer is No! Weight loss is a process of managing our body in a calorie deficit state so that our body would break down the fats and convert them into energy and eventually we will reduce the number of fats in our body. Thus occurs weight loss. We don’t need supplements to do this. Then why should you buy a weight loss supplement spending all your dollars on it to stock up? To understand this you’ll have to know how it works.
All the supplements you know works in these 3 ways.
- Reduces your appetite and makes you feel full. Thus, reducing calorie intake.
- Reduce absorption of fat.
- Increase fat burning.
So now, you would understand that it is not important for weight loss. What it really does is that it boosts the fat burning process and prevents you from overeating and keeps your hunger hormone in check.
You can’t lose weight by the means of a supplement. You’ll have to follow a proper diet and exercise. But not everyone can just shred some pounds that easily. After all, everyone is different and some may find it hard to follow a diet and Even though 2 people following the same diet and exercise routine one may lose 3.5 kgs in a month and the other won’t. This is where supplements come in. All it does is controls your hormones to boost your weight loss process and gives you the best result at the end of the month.
So, it is up to you to make your decision. After all, nobody knows your body better than you.
Here are some healthy, safe, and best food supplements that you could use for weight loss.
#1 Nutrigo Lab Burner
Why is it on the list! The Nutrigo company boldly states that 97% of the Nutrigo Lab Burner users are satisfied with their results and had a tremendous change in their lifestyle. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work on the 3%. Maybe it doesn’t give a good result to some people. However, you know that humans always take the easy way out. we give up, we quit, we want to take it easy. So it’s not a wonder it doesn’t give good results to some people. Without proper and strict diet and physical activities. you won’t get any results.
I’m not boasting this product. please don’t take me wrong. People that are new to supplements may not know it but Nutrigo Lab Burner is one of the finest products in the market. So it is highly unlikely that it doesn’t produce good results.
Nutrigo Lab Burner is a food supplement addressed to persons who want to lose weight and shape their figure. This product contains 6 ingredients, which are considered to be natural fat tissue reducers. The Nutrigo Lab Burner food supplement is especially recommended for athletes who want to quickly lose excess kilograms and expose their muscles.
Nutrigo Lab Burner helps to reduce body fat and prevents its storage. Regular use of the capsules helps reduce the appetite and maintain normal blood glucose levels. The effectiveness of the supplement is primarily influenced by the SINETROL® Xpur component, which increases the rate of release of fatty acids and glycerol. The formula of the supplement was created based exclusively on natural plant extracts and minerals. As a result, the product is safe for the body.
Each capsule contains
10 mg of BioPerine®- BioPerine is a high-level antioxidant, capable of eliminating free radicals within the body and help prevent the damage these free radicals can cause
150 mg of Citrin- Curbs appetite by making a feeling of fullness, It also helps and enhances the use of insulin in the body to become more efficient, increases energy, stabilizes high lipid levels, lowers cholesterol, increases metabolism, burns calories, and prevents weight gain.
100 mg of Raspberry Extract- Raspberry extracts are claimed to cause the fat within cells to be broken down more effectively, helping your body burn fat faster. They are also claimed to increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone that helps to regulate metabolism.
3000 mg of SINETROL- It is a natural combination of polyphenols extracted from citrus and guarana targeting body weight management and it is an efficient fat burner, stimulating the release of free fatty acids from the adipocytes and it also promotes long term body composition. The fat-burning activity of Sinetrol is confirmed by 2 clinical studies.
#2 Keto Actives
Keto Actives is one of the best supplements out there. It is a food supplement supporting weight loss and they specifically recommend it to those on the ketogenic diet. It contains 8 components combined in one foolproof supplement, which helps in the reduction of fatty tissue and stops its storage. Moreover, Keto Actives helps in maintaining the proper cholesterol and sugar blood levels. The supplement is also recommended for those persons with an excessive appetite, as the extracts and minerals included in it suppress hunger. Expert dietitians also agree that keto actives really work.
Keto Actives boosts energy, increases stamina and concentration, thanks to which it is very effective in the period of adapting to ketosis. When using the capsules in addition to the diet, the first effects will be visible in just a few weeks. This is undoubtedly a supplement that was missing from the market.
It is 100% natural and here are some of the ingredients.
ForsLean- Indian nettle root extract [10% forskolin] — acting as a non-adrenal adenylyl cyclase stimulator, it promotes the breaking up of fats. Studies have shown the supportive role of forskolin in reducing body fat and maintaining lean body mass and the researchers also found that forslean is effective than placebo.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)- linoleic acid (LA) helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that CLA accelerates fat burning in obese people and likewise supports the slimming of the legs and reduces the waist to hip ratio.
Natural anhydrous caffeine — increases concentration and endurance, and also minimizes fatigue after physical activity.
Ashwagandha root extract — helps control weight, has a beneficial effect on energy levels.
Bitter orange fruit extract — promotes lipid metabolism and weight control. Use impacts digestive system function.
#3 Piperonix
Piperinox is a food supplement that supports weight management and has an extremely rich formula, which includes as many as 7 natural ingredients. Piperine — black pepper extract, the use of which results in weight loss, plays a key role in the product. Piperinox is a unique blend that is appreciated by all those trying to lose weight.
The product supports the digestion process, accelerates the metabolism, helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, and allows the body to cleanse toxins. Piperinox is a great choice for all, regardless of the degree of excess weight or obesity and lifestyle.
Here are some of the ingredients that you will find in Piperonix
BioPerine/ Black Pepper Fruit Extract
- Facilitates weight control.
- Supports liver cleansing functions by supporting blood circulation through small capillaries.
- Supports the functioning of the immune system.
- Has antioxidant properties.
- Supports the absorption of nutrients.
Ginger Rhizomes Extract
- Supports the functioning of the immune system.
- Has an antioxidant effect.
- Supports the absorption of nutrients.
- It lowers the blood sugar level.
- Supports carbohydrate metabolism.
Cinnamon Bark Extract
- Helps maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
- Facilitates weight control.
- Improves digestive comfort.
Guarana Seed Extract
- It has a stimulating effect.
- Supports lipid metabolism.
#4 Fast Burn Extreme
Fast Burn Extreme is an effective multi-component fat burner designed for athletes and physically active people of all ages. Its regular use effectively supports fat metabolism and stimulates its reduction.
Fast Burn Extreme is the perfect solution for people who want to quickly and safely burn body fat and reduce body weight. Accelerates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
Fast Burn Extreme uses active substances selected in such a concentration and proportions that significantly improve the body’s performance parameters already on the first day of use. Instantly supports digestion and activates the burning of fat reserves. Strongly motivates the body to reach for the supplies accumulated over the years.
- Initiates the process of fat burning
- Improves metabolism by up to 40%
- Releases the energy stored in the body
- Allows you to expose muscles
Here are some of the ingredients that you will find in Fast Burn Extreme
Indian nettle extract- Quickly penetrates into the blood, and with it to individual organs. It supports fat metabolism and stimulates the body to reduce its reserves.
Green tea extract- Stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids, supports thermogenesis of the body, and is a powerful antioxidant that protects against the negative effects of free radicals.
Garcinia cambogia extracts- It is unfailing in suppressing appetite, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and blocks the fat storage process.
Capsicum annuum extract- Supports the work of the digestive system, shielding the stomach. Activates fat reserves burning.
#5 Green Barley Plus (money-back guarantee)
Green Barley Plus is the highest-rated natural product containing green barley extract. Its slimming and cleansing properties intensify the presence of the legendary ingredient Garcinia Cambogia. The combination of two active substances has created an extremely powerful fat burner that further enhances the feeling of being full and improves the appearance of skin, hair, and nails.
Green Barley Plus is a complete product. It is recommended by people choosing a conscious lifestyle — healthy eating and physical activity. Thanks to the high content of active substances it allows you to lose several pounds in a short time.
#6 Garcinia Cambogia Actives
Garcinia Cambogia Actives is an effective dietary supplement intended for individuals wishing to lose weight quickly and effectively. Although this product is a novelty on the market, it has quickly gained a broad group of supporters, including many satisfied customers. These unique capsules contain six carefully selected ingredients which, in conjunction with a balanced diet and minimal physical effort, can significantly reduce your appetite, support digestion, reduce the amount of accumulated fat and improve overall physical fitness. Unofficially, it is said that Garcinia Cambogia Actives is an effective weapon against unnecessary kilograms! This inconspicuous slimming product contains carefully selected ingredients the effectiveness of which has been confirmed both by scientists and specialists in the world.
Garcinia Cambogia Actives is one of the best among preparations aiding digestion, increasing metabolism, easing weight loss, and keeping you fit. Product is gladly chosen by people wanting to mindfully take care of their look with no side effects and harsh symptoms following loose of unnecessary kilograms.
Here are some of the ingredients that you will find in Garcinia Cambogia extract
Garcinia Cambogia- Only a few people are aware of Garcinia Cambogia’s miraculous effects. This unique tropical fruit has slimming properties! Its regular consumption allows for burning fat quickly and effectively. In addition, this fruit reduces appetite, which contributes to lower food intake. Garcinia Cambogia also reduces the level of undesirable cholesterol, which has a positive effect on well-being.
Guarana- Guarana comes from faraway Brazil. The ingredients contained in the guarana seeds stimulate the nervous system, removing fatigue, increasing resistance and physical strength. In addition, this ingredient has thermogenic and antioxidant properties. Regular use of guarana significantly contributes to the loss of weight and improves overall physical fitness. The big advantage of this plant is that its use is safe for the body.
Black pepper- Numerous studies have shown that black pepper has beneficial effects on digestion, and it actively supports weight loss. Another advantage of this ingredient is that it helps combat a variety of diseases associated with obesity. Scientists have proven long ago that pepper improves overall health.