6 Easy And Clever Ways To Quit Sugar
The average American woman consumes 48 pounds of added sugar every year. That’s four pounds a month! In recent years, some studies were conducted and researchers have shown that foods that are high in glycemic(foods that affect the blood sugar levels in our body)digest faster and thus cause the blood sugar and insulin levels to spike fast. This could be dangerous for diabetics and cause some other health problems like heart diseases and obesity. It will be hard for you to cut off added sugars from your life. As it is present almost every roadside store and sometimes we couldn’t avoid because of celebrations and functions. You can’t stop eating added sugars completely but you can limit yourselves from overeating. You can have your favorite donut once in a while.
“We crave sugar for a variety of reasons, from hormones to habits to the psychological impact of simply seeing a decadent donut or a drizzle of caramel,” says Marisa Moore, M.B.A., R.D.N., L.D., a culinary and integrative dietitian.
If you are a sugar craving individual. You should stop eating too much sugar and there are some ways to quit added sugars and alternatives to quench your hunger for sweets.
#1 Change Your Diet Plan
Sugar becomes bitter than sweet when it comes to health. Sugar is present in all foods that contain carbohydrates like fruits, grains, veggies, and dairy products, and consuming the sugar from these natural food products is okay(natural sugar). Plant foods are rich in fiber, minerals, and anti-oxidants. On the other hand, dairy products are rich in protein and calcium. Since these foods digest slowly, we get a slow and steady supply of sugars to our blood. And also, a study shows that a diet that is based on fruits, veggies, or grains can reduce the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, and cancers.
It will not be as sweet as you want but it will supply your body with enough sugars to decrease your desire for sweets.
#2 Gymnema sylvestre
Gymnema Sylvestre is a perennial woody vine native to tropical Asia, China, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, and Australia. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine. Common names include Gymnema, Australian cowplant, and Periploca of the woods, and the Hindi term gurmar, which means “sugar destroyer”.
Do you know? A single bite of sugar can activate your sweet taste receptors for up to 30 minutes, making you crave sugar for that long.
Gymnema Sylvestre is an herb in the milkweed family. It is a taste modulator that inhibits the ability of sucrose and other sugars to activate sweet receptors on the tongue. On other words
- It reduces the cravings for sugar by making sweet foods taste less appealing.
- It helps to lower the sugars in your blood.
- May contribute to favorable insulin levels by increasing insulin production in your body.
- Improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing heart disease risk and it may also aid you in weight loss.
#3 Apple Cider Vinegar
Consuming apple cider vinegar helps minimize cravings for sweet treats, and it can also help the body burn excess fats. When taken before meals, it has been shown to decrease the appetite, which can help you eat fewer calories throughout each day. However, people with digestive issues, low potassium levels, or diabetes should consider speaking to a doctor before consuming apple cider vinegar.
#4 Sweetened Beverages
The American Heart Association suggests a stricter limit for added sugars no more than 100 calories from added sugar a day for most women and no more than 150 calories from added sugar a day for most men. That’s about 6 teaspoons (24 grams) of sugar for women and 9 teaspoons (36 grams) of sugar for men. According to the National Institutes of Health, the fourth-largest source of calories in the American diet comes from soda, which is also the largest contributor to added sugar.
Do you know? 12 ounces of normal soda contains 37 grams of sugar in it which is a little higher than the daily intake limit of added sugars, where Coca-Cola contains 39 grams of added sugar per can and Mountain Dew contains 49 grams of added sugars. So try to avoid drinking beverages on a daily basis and drink occasionally.
#5 Fennel Seeds
Carolyn Brown, MS, RD of Foodtrainers on Manhattan’s Upper West Side recommends chewing fennel seeds to take the edge off because they are naturally sweet but do not contain any sugar whatsoever. Fennel seeds may relax muscles in the intestines, which can help relieve constipation. Soothing muscles in the stomach and intestines helps to relieve gassiness in your body.
Additionally, Fennel is an amazing source of fiber, which prevents you from cravings and overeating. This leads to lesser calorie consumption, resulting in weight loss. Fennel seeds will help reduce fat storage by improving nutrient absorption in the body.
#6 Almond Butter
Almond butter is one of the best alternatives for quitting sugar. It helps your body to keep stable blood sugar levels. Add it to your diet or take a spoon of almond butter as a side snack for instant refreshment for your brain as it provides a constant flow of sugar to your body which would also refresh your mood and boost your brain functions. However, don’t overeat it as it is energy-dense food you will add extra calories to your body. A study shows that adding almond butter to your diet aids the body with weight loss even though it has high-fat contents(healthy fats).
Also, the magnesium in almond butter also helps your body absorb calcium better. Almonds can help control blood sugar and insulin levels after eating. The magnesium in almond butter can also help increase insulin sensitivity. This could help lower your risk of developing diabetes.
Bottom Line:
There are many things you could do to quench your sweet cravings. But following these above-listed things will be sufficient enough for you to leave your old sweet-filled lifestyle once and for all. Don’t try to avoid sugars completely from the get-go because it could destroy your motivation once it gets hard on you. Try to reduce your sugar intake and slowly change your lifestyle by having sweets occasionally before you say farewell to added sugars for good. I hope this helps you to create a better version of your body and self. Thank you for reading my content.