Natural Remedies To Cure Diabetes
As you all know, there are two types of diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2. When a person has diabetes, either their body does not produce insulin(Type1 Diabetes), or the body cannot use the insulin effectively(Type2 Diabetes), so glucose accumulates in the blood over time. Hyperglycemia(high blood glucose levels)can damage the vessels that supply blood to vital organs, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, vision problems, and nerve problems
One way to control blood sugar naturally is to eat a proper and healthy diet. Generally, foods and drinks that the body absorbs slowly are best because they do not cause spikes and dips in blood sugar.
The glycemic index (GI) measures the effects of specific foods on blood sugar levels. People looking to control their levels should pick foods with low or medium GI scores.
The second way is taking natural remedies that can optimize and reduce blood sugar levels while promoting overall health.
Here are some of the natural home remedies for people looking to reduce blood sugar levels.
Diabetes Drink No:1
Ceylon Cinnamon- It may help lower blood sugar and fight diabetes by imitating the effects of insulin and increasing glucose transport into cells. It can also help lower blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity, making insulin more efficient at moving glucose into cells. It may aid in weight loss.
Cloves- Alongside their antiseptic properties, cloves also offer anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and digestive health benefits for diabetes. Cloves also help keep your blood sugar levels in check and are known to promote insulin production, further controlling diabetes.
Fenugreek Seeds- Constant intake of Fenugreek seeds are very beneficial for people with diabetes. The seeds contain fiber and other chemicals that will promote slow digestion and due to the slow absorption of carbohydrates and sugar. It prevents any rapid spike in blood glucose levels. The seeds may also help to improve how the body uses sugar and increases the amount of insulin released.
Neem Powder- Neem is also rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, triterpenoids, anti-viral compounds, glycosides, etc. which help in managing blood sugar levels. A study in the journal Studies on Ethno-Medicine found that neem leaf powder could help control diabetic symptoms on non-insulin-dependent male diabetics too
Note: Neem powder is highly beneficial for people with diabetes but it's highly advised to practice caution over the amount you intake because a high dose of neem for a long period could cause Hypoglycemia(also known as low blood sugar level)
Curry Leafs- Curry leaf is said to be rich in fiber content. Fiber is responsible for slowing down digestion and does not metabolize quickly, which keeps your blood sugars in check. Curry leaf tends to boost your insulin activity and when the body is enabled to use insulin properly, blood sugar levels get stabilized.
Take one Ceylon cinnamon stick,4 cloves, and 250ml of water. Take a bow and put the 2 ingredients in the water and leave it overnight. So the cinnamon and cloves will be fully soaked and wet in the morning. On the next morning, let the water boil for 5 minutes with the soaked cinnamon and cloves.
Let it cool for 10 minutes and filter the water and remove the cinnamon and cloves. All the nutrition and minerals from them will be transferred to the water while boiling.
Add 1/2 TSP of fenugreek powder and 1/4TSP of neem powder and mix it well and that’s all. A natural and healthy cinnamon drink is now ready.
You have to drink it two times per day. Split the cinnamon drink into half and you should drink it 30 minutes before meal and dinner. Drink it every day and you will start to see results in 10 days.
Diabetes Drink No:2
Fenugreek Seeds- The seeds contain fiber and other chemicals that will promote slow digestion and due to the slow absorption of carbohydrates and sugar and promotes insulin in our body. Many clinical studies have shown that fenugreek seeds fights diabetes and improves metabolic symptoms associated with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes by lowering blood gluose level and improving glucose tolerance. Studies shows that adding 100 grams of defatted fenugreek seed powder daily in our diet will aid and improve glucose tolerance, And also lowered total cholesterol, LDl(bad Cholestrol) and triglycerides
Black Cumin Seeds- The best way to consume Cumin/jeera is to mix it with water. Cumin water stimulates the insulin production in the body, which helps keep the blood sugar levels in check. According to Ayurveda Expert, Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, “Jeera water is good for patients suffering from diabetes.”
Carom Seeds- Carom seeds are very high in fiber and because of its high fibre content it helps to stabilise blood sugar and can be used to control diabetes. The seeds also contain antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory properties, and also helps to boost metabolism, and promotes weight loss.
Take 100grams of fenugreek seeds, 50 grams of both black cumin seeds and carom seeds. Now put in the pan and fry it(without using any oil)and don’t let it become over cooked. Fry it in a medium temperature for 5mins(until you see a slight colour change)and mix the 3 ingredients together and put it in a blender and blend it till it turns to powder.
Now take one spoon of the mixed powder and mix it in a warm water and drink it 1 hour before sleep(after dinner). You can store it in a air-tight container and use it. This drink also benefits people with constipation problems.
Diabetes Drink No:3
Bitter Gourd- Bitter gourd has a compound that functions similar to insulin. It reduces the blood glucose levels in both type I and type II diabetes. Bitter Gourd is rich in Polypeptide-P that can prevent sudden spike in sugar levels. Consuming a glass of Bitter Gourd juice is so effective that diabetes patients need to reduce the dosage of their medicines.
Tomato- Tomatoes can help reduce blood pressure for people with diabetes. Tomatoes have a low glycemic index (GI). Foods with a low GI score release their sugar slowly into the bloodstream and are unlikely to trigger a blood sugar spike. One reason for this is that they provide fiber. About 140 grams of tomato has a GI of less than 15, which makes it a low GI food and an excellent food for diabetics. Any food that has a GI score lower than 55 is good for diabetics.
Cucumber- If you have diabetes, you can eat cucumbers. In fact, since they’re so low in carbohydrates, you can almost eat as many as you want. According to a study published in the journal of Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, type-2 diabetes patients could lower their blood sugar levels by eating cucumber. The nutritious vegetable could help diabetics as it contains high fibre content.
Indian Gooseberry- Most health experts also suggest eating amla or Indian gooseberries to manage blood sugar levels. Amla is known for its immunity-boosting properties and is known to be a great remedy for diabetes. Our body can’t produce antioxidants on its own. It has eight times more vitamin C than an orange and around 17 times more antioxidant power than a pomegranate, so it becomes very important to have loads of antioxidants through our diet. Thus, Amla is a must-have fruit for the diabetics to make sure that their blood sugar levels are controlled.
Take 1 piece of bitter gourd, tomato and indian gooseberry. Now, wash it and cut it into pieces and take a half of cucumber and cut it into pieces blend them all together in an blender and filter the juice thoroughly and drink it every day morning to see good results.
Bottom Line :
Some people will have some questions about this drinks like how long should you need to follow it, how effective will it be, is it okay to take these drinks for long period and etc..,
This drinks are effective for people suffering from diabetes and the results may wary from people to people as per the diet and medications they’re following. However, it will definitely boost the reduction speed of blood glucose levels in your body. You can stop following this drink one you reach your goal. After that you need to follow a proper diet, because some people have diabetes because of obesity and some may be sensitive to sugars and some may love to eat sweets.
So if want to cure diabetes you need to change your lifestyle. If not then you probably would have to follow these medication for your entire life.
You will see the results sooner or later but you should follow it consistently. Don’t drink this for 1week and search for results. Permenant cures will take some time and it is entirely up to you to try these methods but it is completely natural and safe.
Side Note:
- I won’t recommend these drinks to pregnant women. So consult with your doctor before doing anything.
- Use ceylon cinnamon(srilankan cinnamon)for the diabetes drink no 1. Don’t use cassia cinnamon over ceylon cinnamon because the continuous intake of cassia cinnamon for a long period is bad for your health as coumarin is abudent in cassia cinnamon. coumarin can cause cancerous tumors to develop in the lungs, liver, and kidneys.